Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Stand-Up Paddle Boards Liven Up Family Vacations

Stand-Up Paddle Boards Liven Up Family Vacations
By Jane Worthington

For anyone not looking forward to going on their annual family vacation, you should read this article. What your parents usually fail to tell you is that every vacation destination, whether it be camping at a lake in the mountains, a boating adventure at Lake Winnipesaukee, or a trip to the beach, there ARE fun things to do there. Sometimes you need to dig around to find your activity, but this year's family vacation is not going to end up like the Griswolds.

First off, there are almost always other kids at every family vacation spot. So don't panic that you're going to be all alone with your family, with no other kids to play with because chances of that happening are slim. When there are other kids around, your chances of enjoying yourself go up significantly. Even if you're at a campground in the woods with no access to the outside world, find some kids and get a game of jail tag, or flashlight tag going! With your parent's consent, of course.

Now, if there's water anywhere of the vicinity of your family's vacation such as a lake, ocean, river, stream, or even a large pool you're in luck. There are so many ways to ensure you have a good time on the water. Not only are bodies of water magnets for people, but there are so many water activities that you might not even know of. There's the obvious, swimming, tubing, boating, even surfing. What you might not know though, is that there's this great new aquatic activity that involves Stand-Up Paddle Boards. It is much like surfing, but it's easier and offers a more relaxed experience to have fun and enjoy yourself. Another great thing about this activity is that it can be done with the whole family, if you choose to include them. It can be done anywhere there's water, and you don't necessarily need gnarly waves or the changing of the tides to have fun.

While leaving your friends for a couple weeks over the summer can be a major bummer, think of all the cute friends you might meet while enjoying your new aquatic freedom on a surfboard, with or without paddles. Give your vacation a chance, who knows, maybe you'll even have a good time!

If you would like more information about stand-up paddle boards or discount surfboards, please visit the Buyboardz website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Worthington